Academic Writing World

Answering the Popular Request: How Do You Write a Research Paper?

There will come a time in all students’ careers when they are asked to compose their own paper. Such task usually creates a great deal of anxiety in a student and most often this may lead to feeling of inadequacy, confusion and may even urge the student to procrastinate.

In truth, this anxiety roots from the reality that a lot of students are inexperienced and unfamiliar with this form of writing. However, the good news for all students out there is that there is actually no reason for you to be apprehensive since unfamiliarity and inexperience are only sorts of situations that can be easily changed through constant practice.

The process of writing can be viewed as one of the very rewarding experience one may encounter in the field of academics, in addition to this, a great number of students will continue to do some research all through their careers and this one of the many reasons why this subject is so fundamental.

Literally, becoming an experienced writer and researcher in any discipline or field takes a huge amount of patience, determination and constant practice. Indeed, there are only very few people for whom this process comes naturally. Consider the fact that even the most seasoned academic professionals have had to master how to compose an essay or other type of writing at some point in their career. Hence, with eagerness to learn, , willingness to make mistakes and learn from them, diligence, practice and organization, a student will certainly find that he/she can accomplish valuable things all through his/her research and composition.

Be reminded that composing an important piece actually involves sourcing materials and incorporating what you learn from it with your own concepts. They commonly start with a problem or a theme that requires to be researched.

It is due to these very reasons why in composing your research paper, it is essential to contemplate on the writing process as follows:

  • Genre. This is the part of the piece that will provide an analysis for understanding the distinctness between an argumentative and an analytical piece of work.
  • Selecting a topic. This is the part that will carefully guide the student all through the process of picking themes, whether the subject is something that he/she prefers or something that is assigned to him/her.
  • Identifying your audience. This part will aid the student understand the frequently regarded confusing subject of audience by means of providing some fundamental guidelines for the process.
  • Where do I start? This is the part that concludes the handout through providing some links to references. In the same way, this also offers an analysis of the last stages of composing a valuable piece.
  • It is also very helpful to set realistic goals, in other words, look at your theme realistically. Then focus on that. Finally, sum up your research when composing your conclusion paragraph.

Here are additional tips:

  • Start your research from a library. Libraries are always the best reference.
  • Do not attempt plagiarism. This won’t only be the reason for your failure but you may also face serious discipline consequences.
  • Consider resources from the internet. There are countless of them.
  • Find books that precisely match your subject.
  • Learn to budget and limit your time.