Academic Writing World

How To Write A Research Paper Summary Without Wasting Too Much Time

Writing a research paper would definitely need you to make some efforts. You cannot seem to complete a winning assignment as long as you do not understand the subject, carry out literature review, search for relevant evidence for the assignment, develop a strong stance, create your arguments that you will use to convince your audience, come up with refuting arguments for the opposing ideas, and be very precise and calculated. When a student needs to write a paper, he should go through certain processes and stages. You cannot complete these academic papers without planning, dividing your tasks, or creating a structure. You would need certain methods and strategies that will help you complete your assignment

Time management is an effective and rare technique. I say rare because many students have the skills and knowledge to write certain papers but they cannot divide their time equally. When you sit down to plan your paper you will anticipate some days or months to complete it based on daily word count etc. however, when you actually write your paper, you will see that you did not account for certain gaps, unexpected delays, events, and some sections will take longer than you expected. You may even come across information that develops your interest and you stick to it and lose the focus. You may carry out search in a way that it distracts you from the core purpose of the assignment. Whenever you make a plan based on time, you need to keep margins between theory and practical because in the real world things are never same as the theory

The summary of your paper is the paragraph or section where you have to conclude your assignment. It is not a review or evaluation of your paper but only summarizes what you have already discussed in your paper. You can adopt different approaches to write this section deepening upon your subject and requirements. You may list down the major arguments and sum them up. You may as well suggest some actions to the readers based on the search. You might describe the future scope of your work and the way it applies to certain other areas. You can also consider leaving a question or some food for thought for your readers.

You need to save time for revisions and editing in the end
